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Neurodegeneration Lab

Our team at Neurodegeneration Lab

We are an interdisciplinary team that work together to understand scientific problems.

The Team

Neurodegeneration Lab at INBIOMED

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Carla Caruso

Lab Director

Carla Caruso got her PhD degree on neuroinflammation from the University of Buenos Aires in 2008. She is an independent researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technology Research (CONICET) since november 2019.


Julieta Saba

Post-doctoral fellow 

Julieta recently got her PhD. Now she has a postdoctoral fellowship from CONICET to study and characterize extracellular vesicles in HD astrocytes


Federico López Couselo

PhD Student

Federico is a Bachelor in Biotechnology that is currently doing his PhD. thesis in the lab for which he obtained a CONICET doctoral fellowship.

Maria Friser Frederiksen

PhD Student

Maria is M.D. currently begining her PhD. thesis in the lab.

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Mateo Palmieri

Undergraduate student

Mateo is performing its bachelor thesis to obtain the title Bachelor in Biotechnology 

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Diego Rivas Castillo

Graduate MD

Diego is a medical student with an undergraduate scholarship.

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